Electrodialysis desalinates water by using an electric field and ion-selective membranes to remove ions from saline water. Our group has explored several aspects of electrodialysis (ED): monovalent selective ED, to tailor brackish water for irrigation use; high salinity ED, for brine concentration and salt production; reconfiguration and balancing of ED cycles to raise energy efficiency; and hybrids of ED and RO for drinking water production.
Selected Papers on Electrodialysis
Z.H. Foo, J.B. Thomas, S.M. Heath, J.A. Garcia, and J.H. Lienhard, “Sustainable Lithium Recovery from Hypersaline Salt-lakes by Selective Electrodialysis: Transport and Thermodynamics,” Environmental Science & Technology, online 18 September 2023. (doi)
Y.D. Ahdab, G. Schücking, D. Rehman, and J.H. Lienhard V, “Cost effectiveness of conventional and solar powered monovalent selective electrodialysis for seawater desalination in greenhouses,” Applied Energy, online 20 July 2021, 301:117425, 1 November 2021. (doi) (preprint)
D. Rehman, Y.D. Ahdab, and J.H. Lienhard V, “Monovalent selective electrodialysis: modelling transport in multi-ionic solutions across selective membranes,” Water Research, online 22 April 2021, 199:117171, 1 July 2021. (doi) (preprint)
Y.D. Ahdab, G. Schücking, D. Rehman, and J.H. Lienhard V, “Treatment of greenhouse wastewater for reuse or disposal using monovalent selective electrodialysis,” Desalination, online 14 March 2021, 507:115037, 1 July 2021. (doi) (preprint)
Y.D. Ahdab, D. Rehman, G. Schücking, M. Barbosa, and J.H. Lienhard V, “Treating irrigation water using high-performance membranes for monovalent selective electrodialysis,” ACS ES&T—Water, online 15 Sept. 2020, 1(1): 117–124, 2021. (doi) (preprint)

Monovalent selective electrodialysis (MSED) removes monovalent ions, while retaining divalent ions. (Ahdab et al., 2020).
K.G. Nayar and J.H. Lienhard V, “Brackish water desalination for greenhouse agriculture: comparing the costs of RO, CCRO, EDR, and monovalent-selective EDR,” Desalination, online 8 November 2019, 475:114188, 1 February 2020. (doi link) (preprint)
K.G. Nayar, J. Fernandes, R.K. McGovern, B.S. Al-Anzi, J.H. Lienhard V, “Cost and energy needs of RO-ED crystallizer systems for zero brine discharge seawater desalination,” Desalination, online 8 February 2019, 457:115-132, 1 May 2019. (doi link) (preprint)
K.G. Nayar, J. Fernandes, R.K. McGovern, K.P. Dominguez, A. McCance, B.S. Al-Anzi, J.H. Lienhard V, “Cost and energy requirements of hybrid RO and ED brine concentration systems for salt production,” Desalination, online 29 January 2019, 456:97-120, 15 April 2019. (doi link) (preprint)
K.M. Chehayeb and J.H. Lienhard V, “On the electrical operation of batch electrodialysis for reduced energy consumption,” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, online 15 Apr 2019, 5(6):1172-1182, 2019. (OPEN ACCESS) (preprint)
K.M. Chehayeb, K.G. Nayar, and J.H. Lienhard V, “On the merits of using multi-stage and counterflow electrodialysis for reduced energy consumption,” Desalination, online 6 April 2018, 439:1-16, 1 August 2018. (doi link) (preprint)
K.M. Chehayeb, D.M. Farhat, K.G. Nayar, J.H. Lienhard V, “Optimal design and operation of electrodialysis for brackish-water desalination and for high-salinity brine concentration,” Desalination, online 18 July 2017, 420:167-182, 15 Oct. 2017. (doi link) (preprint)
K.M. Chehayeb and J.H. Lienhard V, “Entropy generation analysis of electrodialysis,” Desalination, online 24 March 2017, 413:184-198, 1 July 2017. (doi link) (preprint)
R.K. McGovern, A.M. Weiner, L. Sun, C.G. Chambers, S.M. Zubair, and J.H. Lienhard V, “On the cost of electrodialysis for the desalination of high salinity feeds,” Applied Energy, 136:649-661, Dec. 2014. (doi link) (preprint)
R.K. McGovern, S.M. Zubair, and J.H. Lienhard, “The benefits of hybridizing electrodialysis with reverse osmosis,” J. Membrane Sci., 469:326-335, 1 November 2014. (doi link) (preprint)
R.K. McGovern, S.M. Zubair, and J.H. Lienhard, “The cost effectiveness of electrodialysis for diverse salinity applications,” Desalination, 348:57-65, Sept. 2014. (doi link) (preprint)